Tuesday 19 November 2013

Lily Charmed - A Little Bird Told Me

We’re branching out into the wish granting business...
Is there a Lily Charmed piece you've been pining over for months but never quite allowed yourself to buy??

We would like to help. Does your significant other buy you tea towels and the Jeremy Clarkson DVD that he wants?? We CAN help! Would your OH appreciate a hand picking pressies for mummy from the kids?? We are that hand!

We've set up an email address: alittlebirdtoldme@lilycharmed.com
Here’s how it works:
Send us an email with the piece you've been wishing for....Visit our website to view your favorite Lily Charmed piece.

Let us know the email address of a partner, family member, friend or very generous neighbour who you think might need some help with his/her present purchases.

We will ‘secretly’ email a link to your wish piece to your nominated recipient along with a special little bird discount code (ALITTLEBIRD) for their purchase.

All they’ll need to do is follow the link and ho ho ho you go!
Please feel free to share the address and our plan. We want to make as many wishes come true as possible!
With love from,
Some little Lily Charmed birds x

Please note :It goes without saying that NO email addresses will be added to our database or lists without permission.