Tuesday 3 September 2013

Music Magpie

We all have loads of unwanted items in our homes that we tend to hold onto...this is great but it can be the cause of so much clutter over the years.....As we accumulate so many items we really do not want or need.
I'm guilty of this too I have quite a few items that I would like to recycle and Music Magpie offers an easy way to recycle clothes and other unwanted household goods. 

Music Magpie is great, as it turns your old unwanted items into cash.......How amazing is that?
Music Magpie excepts a vast range of unwanted goods from CD'S DVDs, Mobile Phones. and unwanted Clothes and Games...Music Magpie offers a simple to use service...All you have to do is visit Music Magpie and enter the items you want to sell and get an instant price.
Music Magpie also offers a scanning service where you can scan barcode via webcam or use a simple on the go music magpie mobile app ...what I really like about music magpie is that you can send your items free of charge and if you have over 25 items you can use music magpie's free courier service... it's that simple.

So why not turn your unwanted items into cash

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