Tuesday 14 May 2013

Rug Doctor - Cleaning Spray's Review

I was lucky enough to test the amazing Rug Doctor Red Stain Remover cleaning spray...which is great as I had yogurt and sticky blackcurrant drinks which had been spilled on my carpet....which can be hard to remove, and guaranteed as soon as I have a cuppa the kids will come along and kick it over.

Before And After

So I was looking forward to giving this spray a test run as not only was it suitable for carpets but its also suitable for upholstery and fabrics......I followed the instructions on the bottle which was to spray on and wait two minutes which I did ....... it also advises use of paper towel to blot away stain and repeat until stain is removed...I followed the instructions and was very impressed with the results which can be seen in the above before and after images...I will be holding on to this spray for future stain removal.

The second Rug Doctor Spray I tested was the Rug Doctor Traffic Lane Cleaner...which penetrates the carpet and lifts stains...The instructions were to spray generously over carpet and wait 5-10 minutes before cleaning with the Rug Doctor carpets cleaner...I do not have a Rug Doctor carpet cleaner but used another leading brand cleaner......I was quite impressed with the results my carpet was so much cleaner and look almost new.

I was given the Rug Doctor spays to test and review...All thought are honest and that of my own genuine opinion
I have not been instructed in what I write.