Sunday 26 April 2015

Nestle Creepy Crawly Campaign

Nestle carried out some very interesting research which revealed the challenges parents face in ensuring their kids get the vitamins and minerals they need. Unbelievably, 47% of children have munched on creepy crawlies from the garden, yet 71% refuse to eat a plate of greens, Bugs that topped the list included: worms, caterpillars and snails. So Nestle decided to build a 10ft long caterpillar, made from cereal to tour the UK, helping to show there is there is an easier way to get a whole bowl of good stuff other then munching on a creepy crawly.

As part of Nestle Creepy Crawly campaign,We have been challenged to get creative and make our very own bug using a range of crafts and Nestle Cereals. We were super excited and after munching our way though s few boxes of of favourite cereal, we decided to create our very own Nestle Spider.

You will need
Mini box of Nestle Cereal
4 Pipe Cleaners for the legs
2 Pom Poms
2 Googly eyes
Paint (any colours of your choice)
Some foam shaped pieces or coloured paper to decorate
PVA Glue

How to make
Step 1 - Attach the pipe cleaner legs to the Nestle cereals box using sellotape
Step 2 - Paint your spider and allow to dry

Step 3 - Once dry glue on googly eyes and foam pieces to create desired design

Step 4 - Allow glue to dry, and there you have it your very own Spider. Why don't you have a try and get creative and make your very own bug.

We were given the Nestle Cereals and crafts to help us join in this cool campaign.