We were really excited to visit The Power Of Poison, a cool exhibition in the Heart of London's East End which explores the Power of Poison in a fun yet educational way.
We were really intrigued and couldn't wait to explore, and we wasn't disappointed, As we entered the children were given an activity sheet to encourage them to explore and locate the answer around the exhibition, As we made our way around the exhibition it was really educational and interesting to learn that the chocolate that we find delicious to eat in fact in dangerous to dogs, as well as high doses of salt and its effects.
We were fascinated by exhibition which is broken down into seven areas each area is filled with educational and interesting facts on toxins and poisons.

Throughout the exhibition we learned some really cool facts about live poisonous frogs and venomous plants and insects. As well as the myths and stories which surround poison's. The boys loved the Interactive exhibitions where they could get involved and solve mystery's.

But our favourite part of the morning defiantly had to be the fun presentation by Dr Digby and Professor Kalvin.

Dr Digby took as on the journey of poisons and their effect, he also shared a mysterious tale which involved the deadly poison arsenic, We were really entertained by Dr Digby's presentation it was defiantly the highlight of our morning.
The Power Of Poison is a really cool educational exhibition, we learned lots about toxins and poisons not only how deadly they were, but also about the cures they bring, The Power of Poison exhibition is filled with live animals and cool tales and mystery's. A fascinating exhibition which we were left talking about long after we left.
The Power of Poison is at Old Truman Brewery, 15 Hanbury Street, London E1 6QR Every day until 6 September. Ticket Prices - Adult: £9 Child: £5, Concessions: £7, Family of 4: £23, Family of 5: £27, Groups (8 or more people): £6.50, School Groups £3.50.