Tuesday 28 February 2017

Being Healthy with Sainsbury’s Active Kids: Wholemeal Muffin Pizza

Sainsbury’s Active Kids

Sainsbury’s Active Kids recently released an interesting report which focusses specifically on the 11-14-year-olds as during these ages children becoming increasingly independent and with more
freedom to start making their own decisions about what and they eat and how much exercise they do.

Some 11-14-year-olds believe that skipping meals (19%) and cutting out food groups (43%) can contribute towards leading a healthy lifestyle. In addition, when looking at how to make their lifestyles healthier, they do not consider limiting the amount of fast food (21%), fried food (58%) or sweets and chocolate (23%) they eat.

The report did uncover a desire among the youth to be healthy and most of the children surveyed understood the importance of healthy eating, so it's important that children develop knowledge and skills to cook and prepare healthy meals which will assist them in the future. Read the full report here Sainsburys/ActiveKids

making pizzas making pizzas

My boys love to help me cook, so we decided to share our favourite home cooked wholemeal muffin pizzas. I do find that children who help prepare their meals are more willing to try and eat the dishes they cook.

wholemeal pizza

Wholemeal Muffin Pizza

Sainsbury's Wholemeal muffins
Grated cheese
Fresh tomatoes
Green pepper
Tomato puree

wholemeal muffin pizza

Slice the muffins in half, top with a layer of the tomato puree, then add your favourite topping and bake in the oven for 10 minutes, the perfect snack.

active kids

Sainsbury’s Active Kids was designed to help improve children’s health, as it donates millions of pounds worth of equipment and experiences to schools and kids clubs around the UK. For more information on the report and Sainsburys Active Kids visit Sainsburys/ActiveKids.