Sunday 5 February 2017

NETFLIX UK : Middle School Worst Years Of My Life

soho hotel

We were delighted to be invited the London's SOHO Hotel to watch Middle School Worst Years Of My Life Movie which premieres exclusively on Netflix UK on the 10th February.

middle school

Middle School Worst Years Of My Life is based on the bestselling book series by James Patterson.
Rafe Khatchadorian is extremely imaginative boy, although due to his past troubles Rafe finds himself being transferred to a new middle school, where principal Dwight has his own set of extreme rules and code of conduct which all pupils are expected to follow, luckily Leo is around to help and support Rafe and together they soon decide that it's time to break some of the rules.

We really loved this movie its full of funny moments and friendships and battling bullies, at times it was emotional, but I won't give too much away as when you watch it and you know exactly what I mean. Middle School Worst Years Of My Life Movie premires exclusively on Netflix UK on the 10th February 2017. Check out