Friday 4 November 2016

Cadbury and Giovanna Fletcher create AN educational video for kids


Cadbury has teamed up with Giovanna Fletcher to create a short film to show where the milk in Cadbury Dairy Milk Buttons comes, as new research from Cadbury Dairy Milk Buttons reveals the that children have some imaginative ideas about their food.

Over one in ten boys (11 per cent) believe milk comes straight from the supermarket, A fifth (20 per cent) of five year olds believe that chocolate is made from eggs, Almost a third of children (29 per cent) believe a cow’s diet consists of sandwiches and pizza. The new research shows just how strange some of their beliefs are, with over one in five (22 per cent) not knowing that milk comes from cows and over a fifth of five year olds (23 per cent) thinking that chocolate is made from eggs.


Catherine Young Senior Brand Manager for Cadbury Dairy Milk Buttons says “Whilst some of the findings from the research are amusing, it has highlighted that more needs to be done to make farming and food provenance as important to children as it is to their parents.  We’re really proud that we source our milk from Selkley Vale – a cooperative of farmers from Wiltshire and Gloucestershire farms - and believe it’s important for children to understand the journey of their food. We hope the video will help parents  show their children about this in a stimulating and enjoyable way!”
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