Tuesday 23 December 2014

The Ultimate Christmas Survival Guide With Netflix

This year Netflix have got you covered with their ultimate Christmas survival guide to help the holiday season run as smoothly as possible.
Netflix will keep you and your family entertained with a great selection this season, so you and your family can watch what you want where you want, So whether you grab a few minutes for an episode of Orange Is the New Black via the iPad in the kitchen or maybe you are lucky enough to marathon a few episodes of Marco Polo, Netflix defiantly has something for everyone this holiday season so here is Netflix's

Coming new to Netflix Boxing Day 
The excitement of Christmas can only last so long, and once you’ve managed to get the relatives out of the door to reclaim your personal space, why not beat the Boxing Day blues with some ‘me’ time.

After the kids have finished ripping open all of their Christmas presents and promptly got bored of their gifts, try some of this great content to keep them happy for a little longer

No matter how many times you ask, you will receive the same blank expression when you request for some help peeling the potatoes. So while they sit glued to their tablets instead of in the kitchen, why don't they watch one of these

Mum and Dad
Christmas Day has come to an end, the kids are asleep but you’ve been caught up in the rush and haven't had a minute to relax. Thankfully Netflix has lots of comedy specials so you can finish the day with a smile 

After the post turkey lull and the tears from the annual family game of Monopoly have dried up, there’s nothing better than settling down to watch a great story together, with some of our favourites below

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