Thursday 11 April 2013

My Half Term Reflections - Reasons To Be Cheerful

We have had a wonderful half term ...Although we did not get to spend much time together as I would have liked, due to work commitments...We still managed to squeeze in a few quality days out which always means so much....

We had mouse visitor who had now been caught humanely and was set free read about it Here and we give back our cat guest tomorrow (who helped us catch the mouse)...The boys have loved having sweetie the cat around.

We went to Convent Garden on an Easter Egg hunt...visited Hamleys for a skylander event....
we headed off to watch the Croods which was fantastic we had a great time of my favourite family pastimes are going to the movies. and we have this weekend still to Hopefully if we have some sun and a meal out together...It will round off the halfterm perfectly x

Fun at the park and lots of hugs and cuddles.....what more could I ask for...I hope you had a Fab Half Term.

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart