Monday 24 October 2016

How We ACHIEVED a Cosy Room #CosyWinterBed

It's getting colder a clear sign that winter is coming, thanks to the Bed Guru we were given this cosy kit to help make our bedroom cosy for those cold nights ahead. the soft plush throw added a luxury feel whilst the candle gave a warming comforting glow.There's nothing nicer than a soft cosy warm space to relax in.

Here are out top tips to achieve a cosy room!
  • Declutter your room to help give a light airy feeling
  • Use soft fabrics and throws to give a warm and soft feel to the room
  • Candles and fairy lights give a warm subtle glow to the room
  • Add a soft rug near the bedside to give you that cosy warm feeling before going to bed.
  • Sprinkle some lavender oils near your pillow to help aid sleep and rest

This post was brought to you in collaboration with Bed Guru. The Bed Guru are Sleep Specialists. and stock a wide range of beds, mattresses and headboards including special sizes. For more information check out them out via Twitter and Facebook.