Friday 18 October 2013

Adventure Playground Fun

Balancing on the Log Beams.

It was a lovely day last weekend so we decided to head to our local adventure park.....We always try and get out and about as much as possible, and as the weather felt quite mild it was the perfect opportunity before the rainy weather sets in........The adventure park has lots of exciting equipment to play well as lots of natural equipment....logs and ropes.
My boys love to balance and climb on the stepping logs...lots of amazing active fun and its a great way to burn off their never ending energy....They always end up very messy from the dusty gravel and often their clothing and black trainers end up a chalky white dusty colour....But they have such an amazing time...the mess is well worth the fun

 Great Fun On the Large Rope Swing.

Stepping Stone Logs.

A huge Log Swing...Great Fun.

Post Comment Love

Sharing my family activities this month and as part of the Active Family Blogger Challenge
Please check out Mark Warner - Stay Active Campaign  share your comments.....And your tweets with @mwholidays using hashtag #MWactive also check out Mark Warner Website and Twitter and Facebook for amazing competitions and holiday deals.

I'm sharing my family activities this month and as part of the Active Family Blogger Challenge to win a Mark Warner Holiday for myself and my family.......all post are a true refection of our family life.