Tuesday 22 October 2013


Let's face it I'm not a huge fan of house work ,.....well who is, it can be pretty hectic and tiresome holding down a job, as well as a family. I'm constantly playing catch up with the chores.
I often do my house work little and often and then bigger cleaning jobs of the weekend when I have more time.

I tend to have everyday chores like ironing there is no way I can bare to iron a weeks worth of clothes (ten pairs of trousers and tops for the boys in one go)...so this has to be an everyday chore.
I wash our clothes at least twice a week to prevent build up...But hovering has to be an everyday chore in our home as its constantly gets messy with crumbs and general mess from the kids......Although I cant complain really as they do help out (after a few reminders)...But my son likes to help with the hovering...which is a great help.

I myself don't mind hovering as much .....although saying that I currently have an old upright hover which is quite cumbersome and I find I cannot hover under my table or sofa ....which means I have to add the hose attachment every time (which has a tendency to pop off)  ....to be honest I would like a new hover and I have always wanted a Dyson as the look really cool and I have heard some amazing feedback from friend who has one ......so that defiantly on my want list...take note hubby.

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