Monday 1 February 2016

Netflix: January Edition

We are delighted to continue to be Part of the Netflix Stream Team, As huge Netflix fans it gives us a fantastic opportunity to share with our readers what we are currently watching, as well as Netflix'x best picks for the month. It's been quite hectic here, but weekend are a great time for us to catch up and watch a movie or catch up with our favourite shows and movies.

Recently we watched return to Oz, A film we have seen many times but it was great to watch a classic all time favourite movie with the kids.

As January cones to a close and Valentine's Day fast approaches here are some romantic movies to get you ready for February 14.

For the kids : As its almost half term Netflix has some great educational shows for the kids, from brushing up on basic maths skills to learning about the world around us.
Netflix will keep your growing humans stimulated with these great shows by encouraging them to ponder bigger questions about life.

Sharing as part of the Netflix Streamteam